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Our teacher  are inculcating the knowledge in the students through the smart classes and it is being used for all the subject in all classes  to make their teaching learning more effective and long lasting.


  • Eco friendly campus
  • Awareness programmes regarding environment
  • Education Observing environment day
  • Our St. Mary’s students on 5TH June as to create awareness.
  • They come up with the programme with play card banners and posters.
  • Maintenance of cleanliness with the support of non teaching staff.
  • Plantation of more trees to increase green coverage of the campus.
  • Placing dustbins in each class rooms and in the ground. All this is to go ahead with paperless work.
  • Disaster management preparedness:
  • Disaster preparedness refers to measures taken to avoid and reduce the affection disaster.
  • To save the children from the earth quake there is regular dummy practices in the school.
  • Fire extinguisher, pace blanket.
  • Infirmary with a trained nurse to meet the first aid services.


As per the guidelines of CBSE the teachers are integrating art in every chapter of every subject. Every chapter is taught with different art forms of music, drawings, crafts, diagrams, and activities, role plays, group discussions and different way of teaching.


Our school promotes not only in education level but also in cultural platforms such as dancing singing, music, art, & crafts etc. The students are provided opportunity to perform their talents on the occasion of Independence Day, Republic Day, Children’s Day, Annual Day etc.


We have the tremendous measures of developing students in various ways by providing the lab oriented education such as Physics Lab, Math Lab, Chemistry Lab, Computer Labs and Biology Lab.


The Prior Aim and Motive of our St. Mary’s School is to promote the Disciplined Students.

  • Every student must be distinguished by their disciplined behavior and polite manners.
  • The School Insists to follow punctuality regular school attendance and fidelity to study and be alert i their wrk assignments.
  • Students should be dressed well groomed hair in their uniform. They are not allowed to grow long nails or have unkempt hair. No one is allowed to use lipstick,nail polish or ornaments etc.
  • Throwing things at one another, holding hands placing hands on the others all these are forbidden.
  • When students have any problems or any calamities the matter must be immediately reported to the principal/the vice principal.
  • No students shall proceed on leave without the information and permission of the principal.
  • Eating and chewing during the class hours the parents or guardian must come to the school and approach the principal the principal and get the permission.
  • The use of tobacco,pan, or any intoxicant is totally forbidden in the school and if students are found indulging in these will be temporarily or permanently expelled.
  • If the parents want to take the students during the class hours the parents or guardian must come to the school and approach the principal and get the permission.
  • The School is not responsible for the lost articles such as money,gold and other any costly items.
  • As a rule only one day is granted to attend the wedding of a brother or sister. No holiday will be granted other than what is mentioned in the school holiday list.
  • Books,periodicals,video cassettes audio tapes CPS,mollies and other electronic accessories may be brought to the school unless approved by the principal or requested by a teacher for specific purposes it proud,otherwise the gadgets will be confiscated by the school authorities and it will not be returned.
  • Complaints regarding the staff and other students in the school have to be routed through the principal.
  • Students are responsible to the school authority not only for their conduct in the school but also for their behaviors outside.
  • Parents found in any threatening or manhandling the staff or any children in the school no matter what the fault but their own children will be expelled from the school.
  • Even any medical visits or urgency students should make suitable arrangement so as to not to disturb the school routine.